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Rating 385739 votes; Directed by Bong Joon Ho; Genres Comedy; Jin Won Han; Country South Korea; Average rating 9,4 / 10 stars
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This is a must see film packed with tons of implied meaning tackling many social issues focussing on the wealth gap. However the implied message behind the movie is also matching with a complex base level story which surprises the audience with every passing moment. No I know that many people are turned off at the sight of subtitles, but I hope that if this is the only factor keeping you from watching this movie, I beg you to overlook it and enjoy this incredible cinematic experience.
I think that this movie has a really unique way of showing the gaps between the social classes that exist. I find that just like Metropolis there are several consistencies between the two, but at the base of this there is one single theme; The rich despite relying on the working class often take advantage of them. Now this movie may have gone to the extreme showing how some people just can't take the oppression and they eventually crack but I think that it was important for the filmmaker to show how social conditions set up the downtrodden to fail.
I absolutely loved how this movie developed and found myself watching it three times in a row ad each time I discovered a new feeling for the film. So that being said I gave this movie a 9/10 because I think that with every viewing there is more to take away from this film.
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